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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Mommy - SOLC 13

I stopped at my mom's house yesterday after work. Before the visit I had emailed her about taking part in a writing challenge and sent her a link to my blog. While we were visiting she told me that she had read my blog. Being the awesome mom that she is she praised my writing. Whether it is true or not, her praise meant the world to me. Her opinion means the world to me. So as I was deciding what slice I would share today, my mom was one of my first thoughts. 

I don't get to hang with my mom as much as I had before I got married.  I used to spend my free time hanging with my mom. Since adulthood, my mom has been one of my very best friends. I was always dragging her on adventures. She would gladly follow me around as I explored the world. I actually think she liked that I dragged her around. That way she could keep track of me and know I was safe. My mom is my idea supporter, bargain shopping companion, checkbook balancer, and friend.  Love you mom!


  1. Yea for moms! I like how her praise and opinion mean the world to you. It made me smile when you said that she liked being dragged around with you...not for the adventure...but to keep an eye on you!

  2. I love that you blogged about your mom. Aren't moms the best?!?! You might have inspired me to blog about my mom one of these days. I am guessing your mom will enjoy reading your post. If she is anything like my mom, she will probably be crying by the end. :)
