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Monday, June 5, 2017

The Change!

There are two things I know about myself...the placemat at my favorite Chinese restaurant as a child said I would be successful in any field I try (Go Monkeys!) and I hate change that wasn't my idea!

So...after 14 years of putting my heart into special education I will
be teaching general education next year.  I have always been licensed in elementary education and special education but knew I was meant to teach special education.  I love the challenge and newness of everyday.  I gladly implement IEPs knowing that this is one of the best ways to advocate for students.  The power I could wield with an IEP to support students was AWESOME!   Although I have often felt as though I could have done more or something different to help my students find success, I loved being able to try again and again until I found what was best.   I had a few and far between OH SO SWEET moments of seeing my students beat the odds and make it in the classroom and graduate!  Knowing I was a small part of their success made me so happy!

It was not my idea to move.  My moving did help with a staffing problem and allow everyone currently employed to still have a job next year so that is a win.  I will embrace 6th grade language arts and kick butt doing it.  It is still up in the air as to whether I will love it as much as I love special education but I refuse to not put my heart into whatever it is I do.  I still get to teach and I still get to be a part of students succeeding.  I will get used to doing it in a new and different way.