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Friday, March 2, 2012

Cherries ??? - SOLC 2

My three year old niece asked me last night if she could come over and pick cherries to eat. I was puzzled for a moment trying to figure out what she was talking about. I don't have a cherry tree. I don't even like that particular fruit. Then all of the sudden it hit me. She was referring to this past summer and the many times she helped me pick cherry tomatoes off my thriving tomato vines. I remember teaching her that first time what to look for when picking tomatoes off the vine. She loved it. Every time she came over I would send her home with a baggy full of cherries. She ate them like candy and usually had the bag gone before I was able to get her home to her mom.

It was sad that I had to disappoint her by telling her that we don't have any cherries to pick right now. She made me promise that she could help me plant and pick cherries next year. So whether I wanted to garden again this summer or not is out of my hands. My niece's adorable face and pleading eyes has made the decision for me. I am now beginning to look forward to spending time with her in the garden picking and eating her cherries.


  1. I love tomatoes! So cute that your niece was calling them cherries...makes sense. What a wonderful memory you keep all through your life. Gardening...ahh!

  2. Aww, so sweet. I used to take huge bowls of cherry tomatoes from my garden to my 8th grade classroom...they did not last long!!

  3. I love this memory you have. Store this away somewhere to share this with her someday. She will treasure it! Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)

  4. Well written! Your words painted a picture for my mind. Enjoy the times with your nieces and nephews. They are memories to treasure.

  5. It's funny how you just can't say no to a sweet little face, isn't it? What a great story. Thank goodness summer isn't too far away. You will be picking "cherries" in no time. :)

  6. Glad you have a special bonding with your niece. She will love you dearly after the young years have gone.
