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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tired All Over - SOLC 15

My day at home should have been relaxing.  It was the exact opposite of all I had hoped it to be. My mind being tired would have been understandable with working on my students annual case reviews.  I decided to go the extra mile though by cleaning and organizing my house as well.  Ugh...I think I made more of a mess while trying to organize.  I got distracted way too easily and was not able to get everything done I want to accomplish.  So as I sit here trying to relax my bones and brain before bed, I feel the aches making themselves known.  My brain is screaming with all the work that was done and all the work that still needs to be done.  I am sending a little prayer that I can pull it all together nicely in the end.  


  1. Pull it together, you always do! Drink some tea...

  2. Sending a little prayer your way. :) My brain is screaming too.

  3. A lot of slicers seem to be having some kind of discomfort today. I'm not that full of energy and I don't know why. You can't deny what the body needs, and that is rightly so a slice of life.

  4. I always make a bigger mess! I'm sure you will pull it all together nicely.
