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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Afternoon Blues - SOLC 4

This Sunday began and continued in a lazy fashion.   However, as I watch the clock slowly tick past noon and into the evening, I begin to feel the blues.  Time has betrayed me today and continued its march forward to a new day.  My busy days start again tomorrow.  It makes me sad to think of Monday and the constant running and scrambling I am sure will commence with the ringing of my alarm clock in the morning.  Here is hoping that time flies through the day and slows down in the evening.  Here is hoping that Friday approached quickly and next Sunday lasts forever. 


  1. Darn that Time -- it always fools with us. Have a great week ahead.

  2. Great post on something I have felt for the last 35 years teaching...even though I love it. I love your last sentence.

  3. Time can be our friend or foe. I don't mind being engaged with time. It's when I can't get everything acoomplished in the time given. Siome days just need more - even for just relaxing.

  4. What a concise description of your frustration with time. I find that if I schedule little breaks in my week, it makes the time more manageable. The SOLS challenge is one of my delights this month.

  5. Well put, Terri. I really liked your third sentence. Time does march to its own drummer.
