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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Cell Phone Woes - SOLC 7

I walked out the door without my cell phone this morning.  I didn't realize my error until I got to work and was trying to find it in my purse to shut it down for the ISTEP test.  Immediately I went into panic.  How would I contact my family?  How were my family going to contact me?  What if my car breaks down on the way home?  What is on my phone calendar that I won't remember now?  I hate that I forgot my phone and I hated that I was so reliant on it in the first place.

How did I ever get to the point where I needed to have a phone with me at all times?  I certainly hadn't grown up with a cell phone.  My first cell phone was in college.   I wasn't attached to it then but now the thought of not having it for one day was giving me quiet an anxious feeling.  This feeling stayed with me all through my after school meeting until I was finally home and could check my phone for messages.  :)


  1. I could feel your anxiety! I have often wondered the same thing and I managed to raise two daughters without a cell phone. Sometimes when we are trying to contact a parent and they don't answer right away, the teachers complain but I think it is good when we can turn off our cell phones. Your post makes me think I need to turn mine off more often.

  2. I feel your pain. I did this last week, only to find my phone in my coat pocket after school. I don't have too much on my mind.

  3. Similar sentiments here. I liked that you used questions to convey your message and to draw your reader in to the text.

  4. I like the line about your phone calendar! Now that is being dependent on technology! Glad you and your phone were reunited before any catastrophe occurred.

  5. How did I miss this yesterday? I thought I lost my phone and had that as a slice in February. I know exactly the panic you were going through. I like how the questions drove the writing of this.
