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Thursday, March 14, 2019

New Launch

So...this year has been a crazy adventure.  My family moved to a new state.  I moved to a new job within special education.  I went back to school to add additional certification to my license.  I am considering continuing my education to pursue even more diverse areas of special education in the future.  This could mean second complete masters or a doctorate.  Scary thought! 

In the move with my family, we have downsized and paid off almost all of our debt.  We are trying very hard to live simply and comfortably.  This means role changes for our family that has all been great but really new territory.  Experimentation is not that fun!   We are really growing and learning from all the interesting things that have happened since selling our home in Indiana last June. 

In all of this, I have decided to try and help out making some extra income with what I already do and enjoy doing.  Creating a curriculum for special education students.  I launched a selling page on the Teachers Pay Teachers website to share some of my creations.  My thought was that I already have to make most of my curriculum materials to get what I really need for my students so I might as well attempt to sell it and share with others that might be in need of similar materials. 

I have been researching for some time and do not fancy myself one of these "amazing bloggers and get rich by staying home and creating" kinds of people.  I just hope that my little created materials help enough people to feel good about the work I do and make enough money to have a little fun with my family when we are lucky enough to have free time. 

I hope to see all of you lovely people that have always supported me to check it out.  I would appreciate the feedback as I dabble in this adventure.  I will be blogging more.  Self-advertising my products and seeing what kind of market I can create for myself, is my goal.  Only God knows the future but with prayer, grit, and determination I think I can make a good go of this endeavor.

Love to All,
Mrs. Terri
                  A few of the things I have started to work on so far.


  1. You are so creative! I have no need for your materials any more, but I am a great cheerleader! Best wishes as you pursue this new project.

    1. It is kinda like making a digital scrapbook. I enjoy putting them together. I like and need cheerleaders. Thanks my friend!!!!!

  2. So cool! Can’t wait to see what you come up with! Looks pretty awesome so far! P.S. I miss you!
