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Monday, June 5, 2017

The Change!

There are two things I know about myself...the placemat at my favorite Chinese restaurant as a child said I would be successful in any field I try (Go Monkeys!) and I hate change that wasn't my idea!

So...after 14 years of putting my heart into special education I will
be teaching general education next year.  I have always been licensed in elementary education and special education but knew I was meant to teach special education.  I love the challenge and newness of everyday.  I gladly implement IEPs knowing that this is one of the best ways to advocate for students.  The power I could wield with an IEP to support students was AWESOME!   Although I have often felt as though I could have done more or something different to help my students find success, I loved being able to try again and again until I found what was best.   I had a few and far between OH SO SWEET moments of seeing my students beat the odds and make it in the classroom and graduate!  Knowing I was a small part of their success made me so happy!

It was not my idea to move.  My moving did help with a staffing problem and allow everyone currently employed to still have a job next year so that is a win.  I will embrace 6th grade language arts and kick butt doing it.  It is still up in the air as to whether I will love it as much as I love special education but I refuse to not put my heart into whatever it is I do.  I still get to teach and I still get to be a part of students succeeding.  I will get used to doing it in a new and different way.  


  1. You are a special teacher, regardless of the title that is attached. You do not know the blessings that you have been to every single student who passed through your room(s). Change is hard, but I believe God must have a purpose that you have yet to see in this move. A beautiful tapestry is being woven of your life.

  2. We need general ed teachers who "get" IEP's. Not all gen eds do. You can still advocate for special needs children, just from a different venue. Change is hard. God has a plan. We will be praying for you! Deb Ingemansen
